Nóirín Dodd - Artist

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Goal - What on Earth


Nóirín was one of 100 Irish artists
who designed a globe for
Goal What on Earth? 2018

What On Earth is a unique collection of 100 resin globe sculptures which were painted and decorated by some of Ireland’s top artists and celebrities. They were then be put on public display to form a series of Public Art Exhibition’s which will tour a number of key cities on the island of Ireland, in the Autumn of 2018 before being auctioned off in November 2018 to raise valuable funds, enabling GOAL to continue their work to ease the plight of some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Noirín says "My initial focus was to develop a ‘message’ that could be stimulating for viewers, old and young, based on the dedicated work of GOAL. Superficially, some may see a ball with paint, but some will hopefully look to work out what I am trying to interpret. The first challenge is for the viewer to feel empathy. The second challenge is for viewers to suggest how they might become change agents. I’ll be happy if the Globe makes them think. It’s a concept, not an instillation."

© Giltspur A.V. Website Design - giltspurav@gmail.com | noirindodd@hotmail.com

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