Nóirín Dodd - Artist

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The Big Egg Hunt


Nóirín's creation 'Egg Scramble'

Nóirín was one of 100 Irish artists
chosen to design an Egg for the
Jack and Jill Foundation's Big Egg Hunt 2013

From February until Easter 2013, Dublin was home to the biggest Easter egg hunt in the history of the state when over 100 fibre glass eggs will be secreted around the capital, each one decorated by well known artisans.

Eggs went on display on Pancake Tuesday 12th February for 40 days and 40 nights across Dublin. The locations of the eggs were not be revealed, it was up to the public to find the two and half foot eggs.

The eggs were then auctioned for charity in aid of The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation. The online auction began on 12th February culminating in a live auction at the Four Seasons Hotel on 23rd March. The hand crafted eggs are destined to become highly collectible and valuable works of art.

Dublin's Childrens Museum, Imaginosity, is now home to Nóirín's egg entitled Egg Scramble !

You can follow The Big Egg Hunt on Facebook by clicking the link below

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