Nóirín Dodd - Artist

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My Bio

Nóirín Dodd is a professional artist living in Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Bray is a small town surrounded by beautiful mountains, headland and sea which makes Wicklow one of the most stunning counties in Ireland.

'Painting has always been my first love - it is a place where I can explore and be free! One can look at an object, a leaf, a flower, but not really see its beauty, the way light shines through it, or the shadows it creates. It is only when you practice drawing and painting on a regular basis that you train your eye, not just to look, but to study and see every shape, fold and turn of your chosen subject.

I have always been grateful to those wonderful teachers I've encountered over the years, each and every one of them offering something different, because of their own unique individual styles. My painting career began during my school years, firstly as a young child. After school, I furthered my education in art by attending classes with French artist, Yann Renard-Goulet. I also spent several years under the guidance of Patricia Aherne O'Farrell, who had a great impact on me, and I am most grateful to her for encouraging me to explore and develop in the world of art. My skills in drawing and painting from life were further developed in the National College of Art and Design, Dublin. Outdoor painting was such fun, especially when I travelled to the smallest of the Aran Islands, Inis Oirr, to paint with Sheila Parsons from Arkansas, U.S.A., I've also had the opportunity to do two workshops with Barbara Barrett from Cork/South Africa in the past few years, and have enjoyed travelling to the south of France to paint with Adam Cope at the Chateau de Bedeur.

It is a very different palette you use when you paint in France and Italy as the skies are very blue with strong sunlight and shadows. The light on the vines is very lemon!!

I attended a workshop with Bettina Schroeder in the beautiful Italian hamlet of Cotto, Tuscany in 2011 which was very inspiring, and in July 2012 returned to another workshop of Bettina's in Devon, England.

Bettina Schroeder and Nóirín

In 2013, I spent two days at the American Parkway River painting with
Californian watercolour artist Woody Hansen.

Selected Exhibitions

1999-2000 Cherrylane Gallery,
Greystones (Group)
2003 -
November - Annual Exhibition,
St. Cronan's School, Bray, Co. Wicklow
2008 September - Premier Art Exhibition,
Greystones (Group)
2009 September - Church Hall,
Killiney, Co. Dublin (Group)
2009 December - Arts & Crafts Fair (Solo Stand)
R.D.S., Dublin
2010 July - Molesworth Street,
Dublin (Group)
2010 December - Arts & Crafts Fair
R.D.S., Dublin (Solo Stand)
2011 April - Killiney Castle Hotel,
Co. Dublin (Group)
2011 July - Signal Arts Centre,
Bray, Co. Wicklow (Group)
2011 July - Molesworth Street,
Dublin (Group)
2011 August - R.D.S. Horseshow,
Dublin (Solo Stand)
2012 Fishers of Newtownmountkennedy,
Co. Wicklow (Solo)
2012 July - Greystones Art Group Show,
Co. Wicklow (Group)
2012 September - Christchurch,
Bray, Co. Wicklow (Group)
2012 December - St. Cronan's Art Exhibition,
Bray, Co. Wicklow (Solo Stand)
2013 July - Greystones Art Group Exhibition
Greystones, Co. Wicklow
2013 September - Christchurch Group Exhibition
Bray, Co. Wicklow
2013 September - Marino Group Exhibition
Bray, Co. Wicklow
2013 December - RDS Dublin Christmas Craft
Fair - (Solo Stand)
2014 March - Signal Arts Centre Exhibition
Bray, Co. Wicklow (Group)
2014 December - Schoolhouse for Art Group
Exhibition, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow
2015 July - Greystones Art Group Exhibition,
Greystones, Co. Wicklow
2015 December - RDS National Crafts and
Design Fair
2016 Group Exhibition - Signal Arts
2016 The Painters Palette - Signal Arts Centre
2016 December - RDS National Crafts and
Design Fair
2017 Greystones Art Group Exhibition
2017 December - RDS National Crafts and
Design Fair 'Gifted'
2018 Greystones Art Group Exhibition
2018 November - Art Source, RDS
2018 December - 'Gifted' RDS

The mediums I work with are oils, watercolour, chalk pastels, charcoals, acrylic and also stick and ink. I also enjoy outdoor mosaic work-weather permitting!!!

I've had lots of commission work and sold works at exhibitions in Dublin and Wicklow. One of my favourite stands is in the R.D.S., National Crafts and Design Fair, where I exhibit oils, watercolours, limited edition prints and greeting cards from the original paintings. I also exhibit at the Dublin Horse Show in the R.D.S. I am a member of the Signal Arts Society.

In 2003, I set up an art group called The Artists Circle, so when you've finished browsing through my website, perhaps you will visit that site.

Enjoy browsing through Nóirín's Gallery !


© Giltspur A.V. Website Design - giltspurav@gmail.com | noirindodd@hotmail.com

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